Buy a turnkey Forex Brokerage Company

Buy a turnkey Forex Brokerage Company

SaleMT4SRV is a provider of software solutions, services and trading platforms for institutional and retail brokerage firms in the market FOREX, CFDs (contracts for difference), futures and options.

Outsourcing for MetaTrader4

SaleMT4SRV offers a complete software and technical support. The package of outsourcing services includes everything you need for maintenance and security of the MetaTrader4

White Label MetaTrader4

Installation, configuration, 24x6 technical support, market information, equipment, White Label.

Breeches Liquidity

Breeches can be used for straight-through processing of transactions (or output to the banks), and for the partial overlap of risk. Extended functionality of our Bridges includes the application of rules and sophisticated programmable control over the slippage in periods of high market activity.

Back Office

We have created an open, user-centric, architecture Back Office to manage the full cycle of operations in the MetaTrader 4 Bridge and through a command center. System SaleMT4SRV Back Office was designed with the strengths and weaknesses of the MetaTrader 4 and grew up in a vital functional element, which has become an integral part of the success of the brokerage agency.

Programming Expert Advisors

Programming and testing of Expert Advisors to order. Simple and complex multi-functional trade system under the mathematical formulas client. Confidentially and professionally.

Package of Services to establish a Brokerage Agencies

Includes training, hosting, outsourcing, software and technical support

Plugins for MT4

Package of Services to establish a Brokerage Agencies

Ultimate Multi-Account Management (UMAM)
This software allows managers to manage the accounts of several clients that use the common client terminal MetaTrader 4 simple, intuitive way. All transactions are completely safe, and controlled by computer, the commission collected automatically.

Website Integration

This plugin helps link the site brokerage services, and server platform MetaTrader 4 allows you to customize all kinds of systems, communications, office trader, automated payment systems, etc.

Multi-level Agent and IB Commission

Plug-in Multi-level Agent Commission allows you to accurately set the configuration of brokers, suppliers, and compensation is much more convenient way than the standard package allows MetaTrader4. With this plugin you will be very easy to support complex multi-tier network of agents.

One Click Trading and Market Depth Panels

One-ClickTrading improves the work of the MetaTrader4 Client Terminal, significantly reducing the necessary user actions when buying or selling. With a high-performance ECN / STP server, your clients will highly appreciate one-click trading.

Change the leverage on the account

Changing the leverage on the trading account or trade group can be fixed arbitrarily or the time to change the leverage. To reduce the loss of customers to change the broker can leverage from 1:500 to 1:100 at the time of the news, or an hour before the market close. At any time.

Restriction on trading volume

Restriction on trading volume may be suitable for all trading accounts or groups of trading accounts. When a broker imposes a restriction on the purchase of a larger volume of all instruments or instrument at a time. The client will not be able to take more regulation, on one instrument such as a certain number of lots 5 and 10 lots of EURUSD pair, or any other tool.

Account Monitor

Monitor your account - this is a server plugin that allows you to keep track of losses on certain accounts and stop trading when the account holder has spent too much money.

SMS Alerts

SMS Alerts allows your customers to receive text messages about the status of their account in rezhimerealnogo time.

Price Feeds

Makes it possible to instantly retrieve data from the source of quotes on your MetaTrader 4 server with your pre-known and reliable suppliers. A simple solution that we can quickly develop under you.

Server Heartbeat Monitor

This is the plug-in automatically scans multiple servers and warns you about problems on the server via e-mail and in real time with sound.

MetaTrader4 Server Teleport

Easily move clients and order databases among MT4 servers.

Custom Plugins

We will be happy to develop a plugin for your needs.

Here are some unique plug-in, which we have already developed. They can be purchased if they are exactly what you need. If you want your plugin has been designed just for you, without further public sale we can offer you a personal development. If you have an idea of how you can automate everyday life, add value to your service or customer satisfaction - do not hesitate, we are always happy to help.

RSS News Feeder

This plugin provides customers with the latest news from any source selected. News will be displayed directly in MetaTrader'e and up to date.

Trade Position Limiter

If you want to warn your clients to trade large volumes when liquidity is low, this plugin is exactly what you need. It limits the amount of open positions for individual clients in accordance with the established regime.

Minimum Trade Commission

If your ISP provides the liquidity of smaller fees than the Commission in MetaTrader4, this may be very limited. Then this plugin will be useful.

Swaps Enforcer

If your ISP provides the liquidity of certain values of swaps, and you want to set parameters that will be the same for the entire server, ignoring all group settings that disable swaps, as well as preventing the definition of value - then this plugin is the best choice.

Trade Duplicator

You want to duplicate all the transactions from one account to another, for hedging or other purposes? This plugin duplicates all transactions (with preservation of opening and closing prices).

Buy a metatrader4 Forex server

Latest News

March 7, 2025
A unique offer for the entire MetaTrader4 Server sales period is now available to you. Two MetaTrader4 Servers for the price of one with a maximum discount of 75%
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January 24, 2024
The Best Exclusive commercial offer. You can be among the first. Get the MetaTrader4 trading server for rent for one year at a price of 0.264 Bitcoin.
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October 21, 2023
We are 12 years old! In honor of the Anniversary, a PROMO is available - PROMOTION "MT4 Trading Server for 22,500 Euro". We offer everyone who wants to get a ready-made MT4 server into their own hands a maximum discount of 50% for all time. The 50% discount speaks for itself.
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March 9, 2022
The new year 2022, in the wake of COVID-19, brought even more sanctions and restrictions that have to be observed. The war between Ukraine and Russia entails not only catastrophic and global problems in the economy of these countries, but also affects the interests of the entire world community. We, along with everyone, are worried about the current situation in the world. Our prices have been reduced and completely updated.
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October 19, 2021
Do you want to rent a MetaTrader4 Forex server not expensive? You can rent individual groups on the MT4 server and trading accounts to work with clients. We offer a huge range of price proposals on the issue of Opening a turnkey Forex brokerage company
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August 22, 2020
It has become much easier to buy a turnkey Forex Brokerage company. The minimum investment when buying a MetaTrader4 Forex server will pleasantly surprise our clients. You can also Rent a Forex trading server MT4
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March 1, 2019
We are glad to announce that we are now able to provide additional modules for Brokerage Company with trade MetaTrader4 servers. The modules that make the work your company will be even easier and easier.
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June 15, 2018
Reducing the cost to open a key three times thanks to a new price offer. With the possibility of payment by installments within a year from $ 65000
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November 6, 2017
Complete solution of $35000. Cooperative enterprises with the distribution of profits 50/50. Working together with two partners (investors).
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